Not all birth defects can be prevented, but there are things you can do to increase your chances of having a healthy baby. It is National Birth Defects Prevention Month, and we are raising awareness about things that can be done to increase the chances of a healthy baby. Join the #Best4YouBest4Baby #WellnessWed Tweet Chat […]
show your love
#HealthyStart2018 Conference in Washington, DC
We are proud to announce that #ShowYourLoveToday is the media sponsor for #HealthyStart2018, the National Healthy Start Association’s 19th Annual Spring Conference! #HealthyStart2018 will be held March 26-28th in Washington, DC. Conference details and agenda can be found HERE. The theme this year is: “Living the Legacy: Celebrating Advocacy for Families and Communities, Then & Now!” […]
New year, Same me
Resolutions: I can’t be the only one that dislikes the “new year, new me” line. Making a change in your life—whether it be working out more, eating healthy or getting better at balancing your personal and work life—is a decision. It’s intimidating when we see our friends and family posting about their resolutions. And the […]
#Prevent2Protect Tweet chat on Jan. 30, 2-3pm ET
PCHHC is hosting a Tweet chat with the March of Dimes, CenteringHealth, and Mother to Baby WHAT: As we wrap up Birth Defects Prevention Month (NBDPM), please join us in celebrating babies and raising awareness of the 1 in 33 babies born with a birth defect. Learn how to protect yourself and your baby from infections […]
#ShowYourLoveToday Gratitude Challenge
What are you thankful for in 2017 and looking forward to in 2018? Share your thankful thoughts using #ShowYourLoveToday for a chance to earn some cool new incentives. The Challenge: What: Snap a photo of the things and people you are grateful for this year OR Snap a photo of your daily healthy choices OR […]
#PreemieChat – kicking off World Prematurity Day & making the preconception health connection!
#PreemieChat – kicking off World Prematurity Day PCHHC moderated a discussion with March of Dimes, Black Women’s Health Imperative, the 4th Trimester and UNC Center for Maternal and Infant Health about signs, symptoms, risks, prevenative measures for preterm birth/labor. #ShowYourLoveToday & keep the conversation going–>#BornTooSoon. Click to read the top posts and resources shared during […]
New funding to advance the status of women’s preconception health across the U.S.
Just announced! Read full press release here. The Center for Maternal and Infant Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC CMIH) received funding to advance the status of women’s preconception health, particularly for low-income women and women of color in some of the country’s most underserved communities. This funding is one […]
October is Health Literacy Month
October is Health Literacy Month. As a health advocate and writer, health literacy is an important topic to me and I hope it’s important to you, too. Health literacy is the ability to understand and use health information to make decisions about health care. Health literacy is essential because at some point, you will need to […]
NEW! Show Your Love App Now Available on iOS and Android
Show Your Love App: Helping Women Protect Their Health and Babies-To-Be Originally published by Amy Tolchinsky, CDC Foundation Blog Imagine having the chance to prepare for a healthy child—and even think about whether or not pregnancy is a goal for you—before you conceive. Preconception health, or health before pregnancy, is very important and can affect […]
Call for TEDxUNC Presentations
Calling all artists, musicians, inspiring leaders… January 2017 TEDxUNC Presentations ALL women and men of reproductive age should be able to achieve optimal health and wellness, fostering a healthy life for them and any children they may have. Much needs to be done in the US to create momentum and progress towards this ambitious vision. […]
September is Infant Morality Awareness Month: Preconception is Key
September is Infant Mortality Awareness Month. Throughout the month, we have partnered with NICHQ and other organizations to raise awareness of the shockingly high infant mortality rate in the United States. While the Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network to Reduce Infant Mortality (IM CoIIN) public relations campaign is focused on pre- and interconception care, it […]