We are proud to announce that #ShowYourLoveToday is the media sponsor for
#HealthyStart2018, the National Healthy Start Association’s 19th Annual Spring Conference!
#HealthyStart2018 will be held March 26-28th in Washington, DC. Conference details and agenda can be found HERE.
The theme this year is: “Living the Legacy: Celebrating Advocacy for Families and Communities, Then & Now!”
Follow @NatlHealthyStrt on Twitter and Facebook for live updates, and be sure to use and follow the #HealthyStart2018 hashtag.
Conference Challenge:
We are offering gift cards EACH day of the conference for the 1) person and 2) group who engages the most on social media USING #HealthyStart2018. The accounts MUST use the hashtag to be considered. If your account is private, you’ll need to email cmih@med.unc.edu with your posts. For details about eligibility and questions, email cmih@med.unc.edu. We’ll announce the person AND group who engaged the most each day through our conference accounts:
- Twitter: @NatlHealthyStrt
- Facebook: Facebook.com/NatlHealthyStartAssoc/
- Don’t forget to use the #HealthyStart18 conference filters and frames on Instagram and Snapchat!
Save your framed photos and email cmih@med.unc.edu with the photos you take using our filters for a chance to earn an extra gift card.