The Healthy Start Coalition, as part of its strategic plan to address poor birth outcomes in Jefferson, Madison, and Taylor Counties, Florida periodically hosts women’s health workshop in a manner to educate preconception women on the 16 topics of women’s health, using the original CDC Campaign “Show Your Love” materials.
The Coalition teamed up with PCHHC and the Show Your Love resources in early February 2016 to evaluate preconception knowledge and attitudes and tailor preconception messages and materials for African American females, ages 18-24.
Click to view their Show Your Love campaign, tailored for African American young women (ages 18-24) in rural communities:
Healthy Start JMT Counties, FL – SYL Campaign
Some significant findings:
- Abandon the use of the Healthy Mother, Healthy Baby campaign as an unappealing and less effective tool to educate African American women on preconception health messages
- Edit and mass produce the Taking Care of Me tabbed handout for both outreach and one on one education for African American women on preconception health messages
- Edit and mass produce the A Healthier Me booklet for use in preconception workshops
- Increase education during workshops on Nutrition, by providing additional supplemental education, or a guest nutritionist to enhance education (in response to the evaluations on knowledge gained)
- Increase education during workshops on Environmental Hazards, by providing supplemental handouts
- Include guest experts on Toxic Stress during workshops
- Continue to incentivize group education
- Continue community campaign to promote folic acid, namely the “400 mcg” campaign
Although 83 individuals participated in the Coalition’s preconception events during April-June, a subset of 34 individuals completed the entire course and an evaluation.
Questions? Want information or to view their revised materials? Email