Life can be busy and chaotic – sometimes it can feel out of control. But stepping back once in a while to think about what YOU want in your life in the next year or so is important. Talk about this with a partner or friend or mentor. Be specific and write it down. What challenges might you face on your path to achieve those goals? Planning may not be for everyone but putting your dreams on paper is an important first step.
Not sure where to start? Consider making an appointment at your local community college. Most have career advisors and many resources that can help you get started. If you like your job but would like to move up, you might want to ask your supervisor of good strategies. You deserve to have a life you love. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Life goals and personal mission statement – great tool to write goals and steps to achieve each in a reasonable timeline.
Here is a money management crash course from The Open University (free, online). A free Budget Management App can help you set goals and budget accordingly.
Whether you prefer to manage your goals on your smartphone or on your desktop computer, these tools can help you focus and achieve your goals:
- GoalEnforcer– visual goal-planning software for planning and accomplishing your goals
- Goalscape– low-cost software that helps you define and reach your goals
There are a number of budgeting apps that are free to download that can help you manage your money – like, Dollarbird, and many banks/credit cards offer their own tracking features.
Here are 10 money podcasts to information that can help you save!
There are a number of books about saving money and setting goals. Amazon best sellers include The Total Money Makeover, Secrets of Six-figure Women, and How to Manage Your Money when You Don’t Have Any (all free on Audible).
One book you can get from your local library is Creating Your Best Life by Caroline Adams Miller and Michael Frisch. You can also purchase or borrow these 7 career-boosting books written by Black authors.
If books aren’t your style, TikTok and Youtube have some people who share their money saving philosophies and techniques like HerFirst100K.
It can be easy to get wrapped up in career and finances, which also means it can get stress inducing, so it is important to your wellbeing to find a good work-life balance. Mental Health America’s website has an article with some tips to maintain a work-life balance.