Click to watch the “Welcoming Care for LGBTQ Webinar,” presented by JM Jaffe.
This is a important training that covers the basics of gender identity, spectrum, language, and more. JM Jaffe covers the basics of sexual and gender identity, gender expression, gender presentation, and sexuality. JM provides best practices to engage with young adults, language do’s and don’ts. From a community and a clinic setting, JM shares techniques for inclusivity, and some general recommendations on clinic environment. Discussion about inclusive systems and policies is discussed – such as human resource considerations for interviewing candidates and electronic medical records and health clinics.
Webinar recording is here. Slides only can be found here.
JM Jaffe created worksheets and documents to learn more. JM offers trainings and consults for communities and clinics. Email JM with questions (no Q is stupid) and to schedule a training.
Tips for Workng with Transgender Patients
Trans Best Practices for Frontline Staff
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