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Featured Ambassadors
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Health is important to me because living a healthy lifestyle was never prioritized or taught in my upbringing as a child. I have learned many lessons in my wellness journey, from what in I put in my body physically and spiritually, to what I put out into the world. I still have work to do in improving my health, but I see it as a progress.
Jussica Haynes, East Carolina University & Community Ambassador
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Having good health is vital in all aspects of life and being healthy does not only mean not having disease. When I think about my health, I try to explore preventive actions that I can take to ensure I am as healthy as I can be. Improving my health and wellness has been an ongoing journey.
Mary Hill, East Carolina University Community Ambassador
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I wasn’t prepared for my first child. I hadn’t learned enough about contraception or preconception care and my health, as well as my child’s, suffered as a result. In the years since, I have studied and learned and become a sex educator to help improve reproductive health information and its distribution! I’m much more in touch with my own body and empowering others to do the same!
Lydia Bowers, Sex Educator, O.School and American Sexual Health Association
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As president of Drexel Preconception Peer Educators, I wanted my peers to see how they could incorporate preconception health practices in their everyday life. Follow LaTiana at @LaTianaRidgell for easy ways to live a little healthier every day.
LaTiana Ridgell , President of Preconception Peer Educators Club at Drexel University
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I am fascinated by resilience and the protective factors produced by the intersection of culture and health in the continuum from pre-conception to post-partum. In my research and practice, I believe in the power of collective impact, social math, the intersectionality of stories, sustainable prevention, strengths-based approaches, and participatory empowerment.
Ana Cabello-De la Garza, MSW, MPH, Program Coordinator at Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition of Hawai`i
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My journey to a healthier me began a year ago with acknowledging that where I was and who I wanted to be did not line up. I had begun creating holistic changes but fitness was missing. I began posting daily about my journey as a form of accountability. It was a lesson in vulnerability, consistency and self-worth. My support system strengthened and my Instagram community grew to include over 1200 people. I received many messages of how my story was impacting others and created a blog to share more, as well as, an opportunity for others to create support systems for their own growth. As of today I have lost over 40 lbs and counting, I have communities of accountability partners and support systems, as well as, continually being a catalyst for change. As an ambassador this adds to the platform how the changes being made now impact our children.
Chemyeeka Tumblin, MSPH, MMFT, Preconception Health Program Initiatives, Metro Public Health Department, Nashville, TN; Safe Sleep Cochair; Marriage and Family Therapy candidate, Trevecca Nazarene University, Ladies of Virtue (college ministry mentor group at church with mainly young women in undergrad
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My health and wellness motivation for being a national health leader is that as the quality of life of a person starts at conception. If the mother is healthy and makes healthy choices before the start of her pregnancy, her baby will have a higher chance of having a better quality of life. As a woman, this motivates me to live a healthier lifestyle to promote a healthy pregnancy in the case that I do get pregnant.
Judith Bernaldez, Hawaii Pacific University Community Ambassador
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Show Your Love Today Community Ambassador & Community Diversification Grantee – Click to view her work tailoring preconception health messages for young adults & launching the Get Smart B4 U Get Sexy Campaign.
LaShea Brown, Black Women for Wellness
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I consider myself my healthiest–mentally, physically, socially, etc.–when I am able to feed my mind through reading or attending classes, feed my stomach with home-cooked food and fresh and local produce, feed my soul with conversation and adventures, and feed my sanity with crafts and other creative endeavors. I view preconception health as the intersection of all these things and want to be able to share this health journey with others as wellness is within our grasps and can happen if we have the right motivation and accountability.
Alison McClay, MPH Candidate 2018 at UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health & Graduate Research Assistant, NC TraCS CARES
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Health affects every aspect of your life. In order to be able to succeed in school, work, and recreational activities you must be healthy. This is including mental health. In my wellness journey I have tried at least be aware of ways to stay healthy and aware of the things that may have negative effects. Pregnancy is one of the most major health events in a woman’s life and preparing your body by using preconception health is most important.
Velma Sellars, Nurse-Family Partnership with Goodwill Industries
[/asitem][asitem img=”http://showyourlovetoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/IMG_9276.jpg” link=”#bg-fix”]For Autumn Edwards, preconception health messages is personal, and a continuous journey. She tackles work, school, physical and mental health in her posts. Connect and follow Autumn.
Autumn Edwards, Meredith College, Show Your Love Ambassador
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I’ve come to realize that it is not selfish to put yourself first. Wellness is a journey and mental health is just as an important part of it as physical fitness is. Whether or not someone chooses to have a child, preconception health enables us to open the door to talk about family health history, screening methods and how to get and stay healthy.
Jacki Wing, New York Community Ambassador
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What is the Show Your Love
Ambassador Program?
As part of the Show Your Love social media campaign, PCHHC is recruiting young adults who will help model and promote healthy behaviors and life choices online and in their communities. We send you branded gear and provide health resources & free trainings – you share your health tips and choices with your networks. Easy, free & impactful!
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Quick, Easy, Impactful.
A quick application will get you a bunch of pretty cool Show Your Love branded gear, access to leading health leaders, organizations and resources, an option to certify as a peer educator (great resume builder!), and more.
As an Ambassador, you will share your wellness tips and daily health choices on your social media channels using #ShowYourLoveToday.
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How to get Started
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Follow Show Your Love Today on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & join the #ShowYourLoveToday conversation. Connect with us, your community & our network of preconception leaders.
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Submit a quick application to introduce yourself, your interest in preconception health/message sharing, and what channels you’re most comfortable with posting.
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We’ll review your application. You review what you can expect from our Show Your Love Today Community Ambassador Program.
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[box class=”start-button”]Get Started[/box]
ATTENTION: MUST tag Show Your Love and use #ShowYourLoveToday in all posts. All photo/video files and screenshot of posts must send files to SuzanneW@med.unc.edu (so we are able to promote and share publicly if your accounts are private). I will be monitoring your social media to ensure you are posting appropriate content.